Will the MacBook Pro support this app?
Will the MacBook Pro support this app?
Guess Im having a hard time using this. Must be my error. I had turned off all the filters but it still wouldnt show a couple birds I put in. Today I tried them again and now they come up. Go figure. I also made a list yesterday (the one that shows your location, not where you put in your own name) and now the list seems to be gone. Maybe that will come back tomorrow. Or maybe its only a temporary list. Ive since made my own list and am trying to remember all I had in the other one. Useful app, love the sounds, but things seem hinky, or maybe its just me.
It would be awesome if the range map of a bird would show a dot for locations youve sighted it. The app already keeps track of location!
Ii have tried a few competitive apps and have settled on this one for now. Good searching feature and database. It would be nice if I could sort my lists in various ways. And it would really be great if the app sync between iPhone and iPad, and even Mac.
For a few days now, Ive been going around my back yard, neighborhood, property in other states, and etc. to see if I could find any birds, and of course I did, I took pictures of several, and mapped each sighting in different places, this app is amazing just NG always is. The price may be a little high but this is better than many of the other apps that are actually even more pricy than this. Ive seen some of the other reviews saying filters dont work, or cant find a bird, but I believe they got the app, spent about two minutes on it, and then wrote their reviews, while many of the the positive reviews were from people that spent enough time on the app to see its good traits.
This app is great but needs updating. One of the major things that must be updated is that when you open the hooded oriole "appearances" and tap "streak backed oriole" it shows a species of shorebird. Also, a great feature that should be added is the "birds around me feature seen in the separate app "Bird Calls". A great resource for beginning birder or the experienced.
While this is one of the best bird field guides ever, the app is in need of an update. Its not formatted for newer larger devices. Its fine, theres just a couple interface issues.
I dont know why. Maybe its me but my copy doesnt have the roseate spoonbill, sea side sparrow or black skimmer.